
Fucose-specific lectin

UniProtKB accession:  P18891
Grouped By:  Matching UniProtKB accession
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Go to UniProtKB:  P18891
UniProtKB description:  Lectin that specifically binds to L-fucose (PubMed:12732625, PubMed:14503859, PubMed:18493851, PubMed:2193930, PubMed:21945439, PubMed:2666154, PubMed:27650323, PubMed:28800497, PubMed:7397108). Has strongest preference for the alpha-1,6-fucosylated chain (core fucose) on glycoproteins among alpha-1,2-, alpha-1,3-, alpha-1,4-, and alpha-1,6-fucosylated chains (PubMed:17383961, PubMed:19109923, PubMed:20798114, PubMed:22226468). Might play a role in the differentiation of the fruiting body (PubMed:2193930). Exhibits antifungal activity against Mucor racemosus and thus could act as an antifungal protein in natural ecosystems (PubMed:22738968).
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