

UniProtKB accession:  P22862
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Go to UniProtKB:  P22862
UniProtKB description:  Hydrolyzes phenolic esters, such as phenyl acetate, nitrophenyl acetate and naphtyl acetate (PubMed:1368608, PubMed:15803517, PubMed:7704276, PubMed:9571805). Can act on a wide range of esters, but reaction rate and enantioselectivity differ significantly depending on the substrate (PubMed:1368608, PubMed:9571805). Shows a preference for esters with small acyl groups (PubMed:15213385). Also shows low perhydrolase activity, and catalyzes the reversible formation of peroxycarboxylic acids from carboxylic acids and hydrogen peroxide (PubMed:15803517, PubMed:20112920, PubMed:22618813). In vitro, enzyme-generated peracetic acid oxidizes bromide ion to bromonium, which reacts with monochlorodimedone to form bromochlorodimedone (PubMed:20112920, PubMed:22618813, PubMed:7704276).
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