
Sortase B

UniProtKB accession:  Q2FZE3
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Go to UniProtKB:  Q2FZE3
UniProtKB description:  Transpeptidase that anchors surface proteins to the cell wall (Probable) (PubMed:11830639, PubMed:15718231, PubMed:24519933). Recognizes and modifies its substrate by proteolytic cleavage of a C-terminal sorting signal. Following cleavage, a covalent intermediate is formed via a thioester bond between the sortase and its substrate, which is then transferred and covalently attached to the cell wall (Probable) (PubMed:24519933). This sortase recognizes an Asn-Pro-Gln-Thr-Asn (NPQTN) motif in IsdC, which is cleaved by the sortase between the threonine and aspargine residues; may only have 1 substrate in this bacterium (Probable). May be dedicated to the process of iron acquisition during bacterial infection (Probable).
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